Our Elijah Cup Ministry has begun. The Dobrynski family received the Vocation Chalice at the 11am Mass last weekend. They committed to spend the week praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. If you would like to participate, see page 4 of the bulletin for details or visit the Current & Upcoming Events page of the website and click the Elijah Cup graphic. If you don’t have computer access, please call the parish office to sign up for a week.
You can now access the Parishioner Directory online! If you logged in to Servant Keeper to retrieve your tax statement, you can also log in the same way to see the current list of parishioner names, addresses and phone numbers. Once there you can also add a photo of you and/or your family if you would like. Click the green "Online Parishioner Directory" above for a direct link to Servant Keeper.