Our ARIZE kickoff event was a hit! We had over 30 kids show up for food, fun and fellowship. See the ad below for our upcoming events and plan to attend. All teens (middle school and high school) are welcome!! Bring a friend!…(they don’t need to be from St. Joe). See bulletin for photos.
Good News Stories A third-place float, soccer players in uniform, and a priest on a motorcycle...what better way to EVANGELIZE the residents of Manchester during Manchester Homecoming?! The Academy of St. Louis joined us in the parade. Our St. Joe taco and information booth was a hit...one customer asked if we were a restaurant! Thank you to Ericka Estrada and her family for preparing the delicious ingredients for our tacos. Our Belong, Believe, Become T-shirts are for sale at the Ambassador Station and in the Parish Office and will be sold during Sausage Supper. If you volunteer during the Sausage Supper you will get one for free!