All who gathered at the 2023 Celebration of Life were witnesses of the incredible work being done across the Nation to renew a culture in support of life: young adult missionaries spreading the Gospel, pregnancy centers like Thrive Women's Healthcare supporting women and children, courageous mothers who choose life and dedicated volunteers from area parishes celebrating life. The Celebration was incredibly successful (more attendees and volunteers, more money raised, more energy and excitement) due to this union and as missionary Stephen Tony said, "Life is worth fighting for and it's our job to keep showing up, no matter how many times we get knocked down." So far this year, we've raised over $234,000 for pregnancy resource centers like Thrive and maternity homes across the country! From the bottom of my heart and all those at Biking for Babies, thank you to all the volunteers from St. Joe, the Knights of Columbus & Ladies Auxiliary, St. Joe ARIZE Youth Ministry and Christ Prince of Peace for all of your support! A few additional thank you’s of our own: Jim Lyon smoked over 200 pounds of pork for the event and our Knights of Columbus helped with additional food, served the dinner and helped clean up. Parishioner and ECLC employee, Emily Lyon, made 100 pies to sell at the event and all proceeds went to Biking for Babies! Parishioners made and donated an abundance of desserts! Pat Cromien won the 50-50 raffle and donated his winnings back to Biking for Babies! Volunteers from St. Joe and Christ Prince of Peace helped put on this amazing event!
GOOD NEWS STORY: Thank you to everyone who made Msgr. Blood’s 70th Birthday such a special celebration and for offering your many well wishes and blessings. A special thanks to our Hispanic community for their donations and hard work to make this a great party.