On Sunday, October 30th our Catecismo students celebrated Día de Los Muertos and on Tuesday, Nov. 1st our parish celebrated All Saints Day. Many of our Faith & Family and Catecismo students dressed up as their favorite saint and were part of the procession at our 6:30pm bilingual Mass. After Mass we had a celebration in the Parish Center with saint themed games, crafts and snacks.
Thank You St. Joseph for Your Support of the Knights of Columbus Food Drive ending October 23, 2022, The Knights of Columbus and Society of Saint Vincent DePaul (SVDP) thank all individuals who contributed to the Knights Fall Food Drive to support the SVDP Food Pantry. We collected over 2,800 pounds of food! Special thanks to the St Joseph Early Childhood Learning Center who donated over half the collected food. Rising food prices have hurt many families, but the outpouring of support from the St. Joseph community lessens their needs. All collected food was given to the St. Joseph Food Pantry operated by the Society of Saint Vincent DePaul.