Our Elijah Cup Ministry has begun. The Dobrynski family received the Vocation Chalice at the 11am Mass last weekend. They committed to spend the week praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. If you would like to participate, see page 4 of the bulletin for details or visit the Current & Upcoming Events page of the website and click the Elijah Cup graphic. If you don’t have computer access, please call the parish office to sign up for a week.
You can now access the Parishioner Directory online! If you logged in to Servant Keeper to retrieve your tax statement, you can also log in the same way to see the current list of parishioner names, addresses and phone numbers. Once there you can also add a photo of you and/or your family if you would like. Click the green "Online Parishioner Directory" above for a direct link to Servant Keeper.
SEEK Replay is your one-stop shop for SEEK content including keynotes, concurrent sessions, impact sessions, and other talks right at your fingertips and easily shareable to anyone. Friends, family, your mechanic, even (and especially) if they didn’t attend SEEK. Keynotes will be released Day 5 of SEEK, and there will be several talk releases throughout January. Click here to play: https://seekreplay.com/
Each week, food from these St. Joseph programs is delivered to St. Louis City charities, St. Vincent de Paul Church, St. Patrick Center and Missionaries of Charity. Approximate results for the year were: Loaves of sandwiches 1,220 Bags of fruit 390 Individual frozen meals 710 Some of the sandwiches and all the fruit and frozen meals are contributed by parishioners. St. Joseph parish provides funding for most of the sandwiches, which are prepared by a group of parishioners in the Parish Center on Thursdays after the 8:30am Mass. God bless and thank you to those parishioners who contributed food, purchased bread, made sandwiches and delivered the food. Charity in action! The need for food to feed the poor and hungry is ever present and additional participation is most welcome. For more information on the Sandwich and Unseen Dinner Guest programs, click on Outreach Ministries on the BECOME tab of the parish website, see page 21 of the 2022 Parish Directory, or call the parish office at 636-227-5247.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry has been blessed with receiving a $2500 Grant from the Annual Catholic Appeal. This grant will help us to provide not only food but also items such as toilet tissue, kleenex, toothpaste and hand soap; items that cannot be bought even if our Neighbors in Need receive food stamps. Thank you to all St. Joseph parish families who support the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your support has helped to bless many programs and ministries in the St. Louis Archdiocese. Below are a few pictures of our food pantry. If you would like to get involved with our St. Vincent de Paul ministry, please call 636-779-5616
Please see the infographic on the impact our parish had on the Beyond Sunday 2023 Campaign through the Roman Catholic Foundation. Your support goes along way!
Good News Stories Thank you to the many volunteers who helped renovate Fr. Mathew’s house. It had not been renovated in quite some time as you can see in the before pictures below! Come on over to Fr. Mathew’s house today (508 St. Joseph Lane) to take a look at the renovations during the Open House after the 8am, 11am and 1pm Masses and enjoy some refreshments.
Our ARIZE kickoff event was a hit! We had over 30 kids show up for food, fun and fellowship. See the ad below for our upcoming events and plan to attend. All teens (middle school and high school) are welcome!! Bring a friend!…(they don’t need to be from St. Joe). See bulletin for photos.
Good News Stories A third-place float, soccer players in uniform, and a priest on a motorcycle...what better way to EVANGELIZE the residents of Manchester during Manchester Homecoming?! The Academy of St. Louis joined us in the parade. Our St. Joe taco and information booth was a hit...one customer asked if we were a restaurant! Thank you to Ericka Estrada and her family for preparing the delicious ingredients for our tacos. Our Belong, Believe, Become T-shirts are for sale at the Ambassador Station and in the Parish Office and will be sold during Sausage Supper. If you volunteer during the Sausage Supper you will get one for free!
Our ECLC Pre-K students had a tour of the church getting ready for their first Mass of the year on Sept. 7th at 8:30am with Bishop Rivituso! Julie Quillo took the children around the church explaining and naming all the articles that are used during Mass and for the celebration of the sacraments. They also talked about the various statues in our church. They saw the sacristy, the priests vestments and chalices and got up close and personal with the altar. Our Pre-K students will attend Mass monthly. Do you know what it means when the red candle by the tabernacle is burning? If not, ask one of our Pre-K kiddos!
All who gathered at the 2023 Celebration of Life were witnesses of the incredible work being done across the Nation to renew a culture in support of life: young adult missionaries spreading the Gospel, pregnancy centers like Thrive Women's Healthcare supporting women and children, courageous mothers who choose life and dedicated volunteers from area parishes celebrating life. The Celebration was incredibly successful (more attendees and volunteers, more money raised, more energy and excitement) due to this union and as missionary Stephen Tony said, "Life is worth fighting for and it's our job to keep showing up, no matter how many times we get knocked down." So far this year, we've raised over $234,000 for pregnancy resource centers like Thrive and maternity homes across the country! From the bottom of my heart and all those at Biking for Babies, thank you to all the volunteers from St. Joe, the Knights of Columbus & Ladies Auxiliary, St. Joe ARIZE Youth Ministry and Christ Prince of Peace for all of your support! A few additional thank you’s of our own: Jim Lyon smoked over 200 pounds of pork for the event and our Knights of Columbus helped with additional food, served the dinner and helped clean up. Parishioner and ECLC employee, Emily Lyon, made 100 pies to sell at the event and all proceeds went to Biking for Babies! Parishioners made and donated an abundance of desserts! Pat Cromien won the 50-50 raffle and donated his winnings back to Biking for Babies! Volunteers from St. Joe and Christ Prince of Peace helped put on this amazing event!
GOOD NEWS STORY: Thank you to everyone who made Msgr. Blood’s 70th Birthday such a special celebration and for offering your many well wishes and blessings. A special thanks to our Hispanic community for their donations and hard work to make this a great party.
Fr. Fredrick Mwangi Kooro, a Kenyan missionary priest, spoke at St Joe in July 2021 to raise funds for his parish, St Josephine Bakhita in Nairobi. Parishioner Dave Coyne gave him a cross make from bloodwood and pine to take home with him. Last summer Fr. Fred contacted Dave and asked him to make 300 crosses. Fr. Fred’s plan was going to bless the homes of each of his 300 parishioners and ask them to buy a cross. The money would be used to build a school for the parishioners' children. Just as Dave was finishing making the last of the crosses to ship to Nairobi, Fr. Fred reached out again and asked for another 150 crosses!! More people had heard about his plan to build a school and were joining his congregation and wanted to buy a cross to help pay for the school. Thank you, Dave, for this amazing outreach!